Inspirational Children’s Books


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Why Children’s Books?

As an overworked and exhausted resident physician and mother, I came home from work late and totally spent.  I would barely make it home to put my then two year old to bed and when I did make it home, I struggled to read to her before bedtime. Unfortunately, I would fall asleep while reading, out of sheer exhaustion. I desperately wanted to stay awake, but physically couldn’t. I thought to myself, “Wouldn’t it be nice if I could read Nayla a super short book with an impactful positive message?”   Out of this earnest desire, the “Mommy, ?” book series was born.

My first book, entitled “Mommy What’s That?” was published in 2013. It teaches children about body parts while inspiring them to use each part in a positive way.


Click here for your copy of  Mommy What’s That?


My second book, entitled “Mommy, Where are You?” was published in 2017. It introduces children to the concept of working motherhood, while celebrating the diversity of professions in which women thrive. This book is available in soft and hardcover as well as e-book.

mommy where are you image

Click here for your copy of Mommy Where are You?


My third book, Will You Remember?, was published in October 2020. It highlights the special moments between Mom and child, and in doing so, celebrates the unique and special bond between them. This book is also available in all formats.

Click here for your copy of Will You Remember?